Saturday, March 28, 2015

It's Ok...

My brother tells me I'm like my mother.  I think he's right.  My mom is a worrier, at least she used to be.  I'm noticing a lot more as I get older I get crazy worried about crazy things. Plumbing makes me crazy.  I guess that areas from issues when I owned a home and plumbing was a constant issue.  That whole house had issues but plumbing there was Mickey mouse and just messed up.  Now when there's a hint of a drip or the smallest leak I freak out.  We had an issue come up with our taxes we just did and my imagination and worries started running wild...only to find out it was a number in the wrong place.  I tried to downsize my purse and then panicked about a bill I thought I forgot about which wouldn't have been a problem in my big purse where I carry checkbooks,check registers and my handy monthly excel spreadsheet which lists everything there but my little purse didn't have all that inside.  I couldn't wait to get home to check on it and was relieved to find out everything was ok.  I worry about the kids when they're not around, about their futures.  I worry about miji driving everyday and we'll I guess you could say I worry about a lot.
For so long I never had someone in my life I could turn to to tell all my worries to who would tell me it's ok, who would tell me that were in this together.  The first time around it was like I had 3 kids.  I felt like I had to figure everything out myself.  I sometimes try and be that person still until Miji reminds me that I don't have to be the one to figure everything out and that we are in this together. I guess I'll always worry but at least I'll have him to tell me that everything is going to be ok and what can be better than that to a worrier like me:)

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