Dear Mom-
Tomorrow while we are all celebrating Independence Day with fabulous food, wonderful company and a dazzling display of fireworks everywhere I will be thinking of you on what will be your 70th birthday. It is hard to believe that you are 70 when it still feels like only yesterday that you were my age. I remember when we were younger and you used to get dressed for work. You were always matching and coordinating your clothes. I remember thinking how well put together you were even though we sometimes called you Polly Ester since you wore your polyester pants. Looking back your style was not much different from mine now. I guess it is true that eventually we all turn into our mothers somehow-I know I have in a few ways.
I have soooo many memories of you and sometimes I just sit and laugh thinking of them. I remember how you loved to sing and how you and my dad would turn on that crazy stereo system we called Big Bertha and hooked up your microphones and sang along to Patsy Cline and that crazy song that went something like "Your bags are packed and waiting...". It's funny how I hated your music back then, but now when I hear those familiar melodies in my head they make me smile and I turn them up-now driving my own kids crazy with those songs. I remember how it would drive us all crazy how you would remind us to do things and turn stuff off-Just ask Miji and the kids how I now am the crazy reminder lady! I am always telling them to turn off this, unplug that or check whatever. I remember that stupid little bell chime you had on the back of the front door as a little noisemaker when someone came in. Kenny and I hated that thing because we knew you would be listening to it if we came home late AND on top of that you would sometimes set your alarm to match our curfews to make sure we were home! Looking back now I think it was a wonderful idea and may start using it too with your grandkids! I remember how you loved to do crafty things. I think this is where I got my love of crafting because I saw you do it all the time and you enjoyed doing it. I love to shop at thrift stores and think back to when you co-owned that thrift store and you made me run the cash register since you didn't know how! Darn I wish you still owned that-what a dream come true!!
At summertime I am reminded of how you used to swim in our pool. You had your blue high tech heavy duty glass mask that would cover half of your face. It worked so good at keeping water out that when you would take it off there would be a ring around your face on the area it was placed that would stay for at least an hour! You would float around the pool with empty chlorine bottles and it was such a funny sight to see. I can still see you now and it makes me giggle. I remember how you would let anyone come over in the summertime and use the pool and you were always in the kitchen making food for whoever came over making sure to be a wonderful hostess.
I remember how you were always considered the cool mom and all our friends told us so, even though we may not have thought it at the time. We were always there at the house with our friends and you would always make them feel at home just to make us happy. I remember how when we lived on Encina you made that ham one night and my friend Pam came over and ate most of it in sandwiches-you were so mad but you got over it and weren't too mad at me! I remember your huge camcorder that was as big as a TV studio camera that you always had to catch any candid moment on film. You made us crazy with all the special effects you would incorporate into any video you made and we hated how you would play the videos over and over again.
I remember how you were very particular about us using things around the house. For some reason you always thought that if we used the washing machine or dishwasher or whatever we would end up breaking it. I am laughing right now because I am exactly the same way. I would rather do everything so I know that I will do it the way I want it done. I remember how you guys had so many friends from being on the CB Radio or from work and how we were always visiting with people and just always having a good time. I remember hanging out at the bowling alley on Friday night for four hours while you guys bowled on the league. I remember Friday night poker games. There was always something going on for fun.
I remember moving a lot when we were growing up and I remember a lot of the sacrifices that you made for us. I know that you worked really hard just to give us the basics. I remember complaining to you of things I wanted sometimes and you would try and get those things for us. If you couldn't we may have been mad and may have been mean at the time but Mom, I want you to know that I totally understand now. I know it took a while, but I do. I am so much like you that it makes me crazy (but in a good way). I have turned into that mother that reminds the family to do basic things. I am the mother who cannot sleep at night until the kids are home safe or have called me to let me know where they are. I am the mother who the kids think does not know anything since they are sure I have never experienced their problems. I am the mother who wants a clean house, repectful kids and love and happiness...just like you did.
I know I may not always tell you mama but I sincerely love you with all my heart. I miss you all the time now that you live so far away. I remember when I was younger and you used to say how you hated Los Angeles traffic and that you would never drive there. Just to spite you I would always say when I was old enough I was going to move to LA-what a witch I was right? The kids tell me similar things in their own ways and while it annoys me I don't really take it to heart because I remember the things I used to say to you to press your buttons! I think about all the advice you have given me over the years and most of it was right on! I remember calling you the day I turned in divorce paperwork and I remember crying to you that I was scared and what if I couldn't do this and you told me how one day I would look back on that day and laugh and wonder why I did not do it sooner. You assured me that I was strong enough to get through anything and that I would be so happy and deserved to be so happy-you nailed that one right on as well-I am so happy!!
I am glad that you are happy as well mom. I know you are married to a man who loves you and takes care of you and keeps a smile on your face and we all deserve that. It means so much to me that you are finally happy with the person I am with. I know throughout the years I may have been upset with the opinions you gave me of that person who made me so unhappy but I guess it was just because I knew what you were saying was true and I was just in denial of all of it. I am so glad that you never gave up on me and reassured me that I do deserve happiness because I know that your encouragement helped me to get where I am now. I am glad you like Miji and I want to assure you in every way that I am the happiest I have ever been with a significant other. He is the Prince Charming you used to read to me about when I was little.
So Mom I just want to tell you that while I will miss you on your birthday and spending it with you, please know my thoughts will be of you and knowing in my heart that you are 70 years young and knowing you you will be having a wonderful birthday because you deserve it so much. I know I do not tell you often enough how much I love you and appreciate everything you have ever done for me and the way you have loved me and all of us throughout the years and you still continue to do so. You have given us your unconditional love and encouragement and passed things on to us that will continue to be passed on for generations to come.
Thank you Mom! I love you (even when you think I don't). Your love will always stay on my mind and in my heart. Happy 70th birthday pretty lady!!!
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